Bowl handle 5043
Bårebo 1843
Bårebo 1843
Bårebo 1844
Bårebo 1845
Bårebo 1843
Bårebo 1844
Bårebo 1845
1935 – 1965
Nyströms Metallfabrik Nr 200/65
1880 – 1950
Landshövdingehus, Majorna, Göteborg, O
1880 – 1950
Landshövdingehus, Majorna, Göteborg, O
About 1900 Unknown origin
About 1900 Unknown origin
Around the turn of the century 1900
Unknown origin
1930s to 1950s
Bröderna Miller nr 819 A
1930s to 1950s
Bröderna Miller nr 819 B
about 1930 – 1960
Aug Stenman N:o 148
The second half of the 1930s until about 1960
Albert Karlsson Metallfabriksbolag “Ticka Standard”
The second half of the 1930s until about 1961
Albert Karlsson Metallfabriksbolag “Ticka Standard”
1930s to 1950s
Bröderna Miller nr 879 A
1930s to 1950s
Bröderna Miller nr 879 B
about 1910 – 1960
Eskilstuna-Magasinet Nr 550
The first half of the 20th century
Aug Stenman N:o 140
The first half of the 20th century
Aug Stenman N:o 142
about 1890-1940
Låsfabriks AB E A Næsman & Co Nr 269
1960 – 1985
Hillerstorps Metallverk nr 560