Airing fitting 5008
The second half of the 19th century
Aug Stenman N:o 131
The second half of the 19th century
Aug Stenman N:o 131
about 1890 – 1930 Unknown. Is found in north east Skåne.
Aug Stenman N:o 1
Aug Stenman N:o 2
1930 – 1980
Hillerstorps Metallverk Trygg Nr 19
1890 – 1960
Aug Stenman N:o 23
18th century
St Stallgården, Mariefred D
The first half of the 19th century
Nygatan 37, Eskilstuna D
Låsbolaget N:o 1310
Aug. Stenman N:o 124
Låsbolaget N:o 1310
Aug. Stenman N:o 127
Brass 1880-1920, Nickel-plated 1895-1920
Origin unknown
Brass 1880 – 1910, Nickel-plated 1895 – 1910
Origin is missing
1920s to 1940
Espagnolettfabriken Fix nr 2
1920 to about 1940
Espagnolettfabriken Fix nr 6
1875 – 2000
Borggårds Bruk Art. 3.
Priorverken N:o 340
Låsfabriks AB Nr 799
late 19th century to about 1950
Aug Stenman N:o 361
The first half of the 19th century
Nygatan 37, Eskilstuna D
18th century
St Stallgården, Mariefred D
19th century
Biby gård Gillberga s:n D
1850 – 1950
Aug Stenman N:o 131